Sunday, December 1, 2013

Breakfast for Dinner: Couldn't be Easier

Invite some friends for dinner and you instantly have a dinner party.  Easy.  Have a breakfast-for-dinner party and you instantly have a success.  We all like pancakes, or will at least tolerate them, and if you have a good pancake recipe you are set (keep reading, I'm about to give you one).  For whatever reason, when you have "breakfast for dinner," the dinner timing mixed with the breakfast food-ing highlight each other and make everything all the more enjoyable, casual and easy. And really, all you need is that one good pancake recipe, bacon or breakfast sausage, and maple syrup.  Look at you, hosting away.  Simple.

This recipe is coveted.  It's from Grandma Mary and she was a sassy southern mama of 7 (my mom is #2  of those 7, to be specific) who had her pancakes down to more than just a science, more like #magic.  It's not fancy a recipe, it's just simple, requires few tools and is delicious.  Every time.
I mean, look at her.  She knows how to make pancakes.
I just finished eating, and for about half of the meal we talked about how there is something about these suckers that just makes them good, no frills, just #delish .  Grandma Mary knows what's up.

Grandma Mary's Pancakes:
  • 1 cup of Milk (any kind: cow, soy, almond etc. Whatever you have should be fine)
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 Tablespoons Oil
  • 2 teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoons Salt
  • 2 Tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 cup of Flour
    You will need a bowl, a whisk, a flat bottom pan, cooking spray, and your warming oven (see * below)
A whisk and a bowl full of batter.  Simple Goodness.
  • Whisk the first 3 ingredients together (milk, egg and oil)
  • Whisk in the Powder, Salt, and Sugar
  • Add the Flour and whisk until smooth
  • Spray your pan with cooking spray and put it over medium-high heat to let the pan & oil get hot.  Coming in hottttt
  • If your bowl has a spout like mine, pour the pancake batter into the pan to form your desired size/shape, otherwise a ladle or big spoon will work.
That little spout saves me a dish, no ladle washing in this joint!

  • Leave the pancakes alone, without touching them, until the little bubbles on top start popping, #notouching #alonetime
Top Left is asking for a flipping.

  • Flip 'em.  Flip 'em real good.
  • When they start to make a little bit of smoke, think if it as the smoke signal that they are done.  Put them on your serving dish and you are ready to go.  Or, stick them in your warming oven, covered in foil.  Instructions on creating a warming oven are right below.
*Tip: Since pancakes are usually done in small batches, turn your oven on low (like 250, or about a 1/5 of a turn if you are lucky enough to have an oven with an unmarked temperature dial, like myself) and use it as a warmer.  Start making your pancakes and as they finish, put them on your serving dish. Cover them with foil and put them in that "warming oven" until everything and everyone is ready to eat - bonus, you now have a warming oven.  You're Welcome.  TaDow.

It's just my roommate and I, so we stuck with a stove top dinner service, #classy
For sausage (my dad taught me this):  For 6-12 sausages, put a little bit of water, (like 2T but don't measure it, just guess) and a little less of oil (like 1T, again please don't measure), in the pan with the sausage, put the lid on and light up the stove top.  The sausages will steam to cook and heat through the inside, and when you take the lid off  after about 7-10 minutes,  the water will be have evaporated and the oil will remain in the pan to brown up the sausages and make them a little crispy on the outside.  It's making me hungry again and I literally just finished eating.

The word "crispy" always makes me think of this song, enjoy:

Personally, I need pancakes, sausage, and pure maple syrup, period. In case you want to mix it up, here are some potential add-ons.  Better yet, if someone offers to bring something, give them one of the following suggestions: green salad, fruit platter (or even just sliced watermelon, cantaloupe, berries, anything), scrambled eggs, flavorings that you can add to pancake batter like chocolate chips or bananas, or mimosas (best for last) .
Before and After Shots (we were purists tonight, no fancy add-ons): 

I should clarify, this is before and after Round 1.  I absolutely had seconds.  Possibly thirds...

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